Coming Attractions

Here's a List of Stuff which may yet Inhabit this Site

(Some of these will lead to "Under Construction" Versions of Material yet to Come.)



 "Scant Sanity"

 Who let this guy out?

This doesn't lead anywhere yet.


 "To Be" and The Meaning of Life

  What the film "To Be" is really all about.

This leads to an "Under Construction" version of this page.


 "The Lump"

 Speculations about the Problems of the Aesthetically and Vertically Challenged.

This doesn't lead anywhere yet.

 Art To Come

 "Real Inside"

 Is it True that inside every Artist there's an Insurance salesman trying to get out?

This doesn't lead anywhere yet.


 "Log Driver's Waltz"

 The Hidden Meaning!

This doesn't lead anywhere yet.


 "Spinnilio" and the Work Ethic

 A Treatise on the Virtue of Hard Labour by a Man who does his best work while Unconscious and Immobile.

This doesn't lead anywhere yet.

  Art To Come

 "Special Delivery" and the Nature of Good and Evil

 Are they really all that different?

This doesn't lead anywhere yet.

  Art To Come

 Animation Tips

 How to Animate while seeming to do no work at all.

This doesn't lead anywhere yet.


 Cruel Parodies

 The work of other Film-Makers re-interpreted by Weldon

This doesn't lead anywhere yet.


 The Life of John

 On the Value of Actuarial Training as a Precursor to a Career in Animation

This doesn't lead anywhere yet.