At the Fringe: the Drag Races. One
of these people is one of my children!
(Agh! Everyone's guessing wrong! Hint:
The Short Twin!)

Below: "Never
Surrender"... the Montreal Fringe Festival outdoor
This New Set of Pictures is from Roz
Schwartz's Strawberry Social, June 6, 2004.
Roz with Drink, hosting... ...standing
in her new French Doors!
John and the sartorially elegant Alison
Loader, possibly after someone said something humorous.
Roz's Back Yard with Folks
A Buncha Folks in Roz's back yard.
John F Weldon with former Producer,
(now "just friends"), Marcy Page, who misses all the
trouble she used to get into thanks to him!
Here's Torill Kove with her child Runa
looking at an extremely dangerous one-eyed Finch.
Someone wondered, in the TGIGF photos
(below), where was John? He was out in the backyard cooking sausages!
So here's one of the few recent photos I could find of yours truly,
playing the banjo, at Paul Morstadt's barbeque for the Knitter's
Guild, last summer. Also Paul looking wasted and Sui Vuey Wong
sucking some suds.
Sixth Annual TGIGF Party
April 9, 2004